Friday, September 23, 2005

Jokes Apart

Jokes Apart
28th August 2005

Nobody invents jokes like an advertising copywriter.

Especially when said copywriter is sitting bored at Turbhe railway station, attending an ad film shoot where he has nothing to contribute.

Especially when a crowd of about 1500 people gathers, hearing rumours that Abhishek Bachchan and Jaya Bachchan are shooting. Thus blocking access to the public loos, and forcing said filmmakers to use the Railway Police toilet.

Here, then, are some of the Toilet Police jokes said copywriter invented.

Crew members went to the loo under Police Poo-tection.

What’s the motto of the Toilet Police? To serve and to poo-tect.

Human rights activists often complain about Toilet Police b-loo-tality.

How do criminals manage to evade justice at the hands of the Toilet Police? Simple. They find loo-pholes in the law.

There’s no escaping the long arm of the loo.

How can you tell if your kid would make an ideal Toilet Policeman? He’s born toilet trained.

When can one apply to become a Toilet Policeman? Anytime once one has passed poo-berty.

What happens when criminals get interrogated by the Toilet Police? Like any good gang members, they don’t give a shit.

Have you seen the Toilet Police’s new ad campaign? It’s intended to give the Toilet Police a strong poo-sitioning.

Now we know why we refer to the cops as the Poo-lice.

Under what code do the Toilet Police charge offenders? The Indian Pee-nal Code.

At times, the Toilet Police will attempt to strike a deal with gang members. For the criminals, it’s a question of whether to pee, or not to pee.

If reporting a crime to the Toilet Police, you need to meet the on-duty Loo-tenant.

After making an arrest, the Toilet Police must poo-duce the alleged offender in court.

Offenders arrested by the Toilet Police are thrown straight into the loo-ckup.

When the Toilet Police discovered that one of them was passing information to gang members, they moved quickly to plug the leak.

The Toilet Police is building a new training academy. It’ll be based in Poo-na.

Standard interrogation question: "Where have you stashed the loo-t?"

It’s been a few days since said copywriter invented the above jokes. A few may have slipped my
mind, but as and when I remember them, I will update them.

I invite readers to share the fruit of their toiletary wisdoms. Contributions will be duly added with full credit – or lack thereof.

Lots of loo-ve...



Love you longtime! said...

Ha ha ha... nice post there. And hey copywriting is not a bad job afterall. Hmm... even I'm a 'part-copywriter' - if u can call it that

Anonymous said...

Legs: hahahahaha really got too much time on your hands!!

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