A meal of dahikadhi-rice makes you sleepy. And when, in your drowsiness, you head out of the house on a shopping expedition, you tend to be very spaced-out (Space Cadet Foot, reporting for duty) and tend to talk a lot, most of it rubbish like this.
There is a large billboard opposite Westside, Kala Ghoda. It has a pink background and, more importantly, a stylised illustration of a dark horse – yaani, a Kala Ghoda, jaani. And it’s been there for many, many years. And my wife (yes, it’s Slappy, we made it this far, it’s been 9 months; why haven’t you posted, you naughty, naughty boy? Too much going on. Excuses, excuses! Sorry, I will try to revive this blog, God promise!) who hails from Delhi noticed this years ago.
Apart from the aforementioned poster of said Black Horse, there is no Kala Ghoda in Kala Ghoda. According to Techknowdoc, it's now lying in a museum(?) somewhere.
Have you ever watched a pigeon walk on a window-sill? The next time you do, observe closely. You’ll find that the pigeon doesn’t just walk, it struts. The little neck moves back and forth in tune with a beat playing only in its mind; the little head turning rapidly from side to side, making eye contact with all in its path, as if to say, “This heah is mah window-sill, yo! Aah am the king of this heah window-sill, and if you have a problem widdat, you can go suck it, bee-yatch!”
There is always place for a blog about your life in your life. Where else would you share all these funny, interesting, insightful experiences considering that half the world had blocked you on Facebook and the other half isn’t yet on Twitter?